Malcolm Dixon, MAS Adviser, Wellington.

In the first of our new series to introduce you to some of our people, we talk to Malcolm Dixon about lessons from his 20 years in financial services, the satisfaction of home DIY and why nothing beats a leg of lamb on the barbecue.  

What does a typical day look like for you? 

It varies a lot, but an aspect I really enjoy is meeting with Members and understanding their unique needs, objectives and expectations. It’s not just about products, it’s about understanding the individual. It’s important to build that trust and to really let Members know that we’re always available for them. 


What’s something you wish more people knew about insurance?  

Not to wait. I often hear people say they will get insurance when they’re older, when they’ve bought their house, when their baby is born, but there are so many variables in life and so many ways insurance can help. A lot of people put it on the back burner or don’t know where to start with it – but that’s where people like me come in. We do this every day and are always happy to guide people to what best suits them.  


Most memorable moment at work?  

There have been so many, and while I can’t go into detail, there was one story that really stood out. We helped someone who was interested in life insurance. He had a small amount of cover in mind and was certain that was all he wanted. I said it would be remiss of me not to talk him through all the options, including income protection and cover for illness. We had a good chat, and he ended up getting some extra cover. About 5 years later, he called me up to say he had a stroke – this was a guy in his 30s with a family and a mortgage – and he said that small amount of cover was an absolute godsend. If we hadn’t had that conversation he would have had nothing. That brought home to me how insurance can be life changing and also how privileged we are to be able to help Members in such a practical way.  


What keeps you busy outside of the office?  

I love spending time with my wife and 4 children, who range in age from late teens to mid-20s. My wife and I really enjoy going camping. We’ve got a caravan and we like heading over to Castlepoint. I’ve also got a thing for barbecuing. I’ve got about 6 of them at home – it’s almost a barbecue museum. I love smoking meat or throwing on a leg of lamb. It’s always good for feeding a crowd. 


What’s your most prized possession? 

All that time at home during Covid-19 made me think we really needed a decent deck. A builder mate of mine convinced me I could do it myself, so I ended up designing it and building it, and I have to say it looks pretty good. It’s now the pride of the house. My daughter has since spilt nail polish on it, which I was a bit gutted about, but I couldn’t let on! 

If you want to chat with the team about your insurance needs, get in touch on 0800 800 627 or email 

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