A warm welcome from MAS
E mihi ana ki ngā Mema katoa e tuari mai ana i ō rātou wheako ora ki tō tātou hapori MAS. I ētahi wā he uaua ēnei wheako, i ētahi wā he whakanuitanga, ahakoa pēhea, ka whakamihi mātou i ngā tāngata hirahira nei. Kei te hia mihi hoki mātou i te tūāoma nui i tutuki i a MAS Foundation, kua 5 tau te roa o te takohanga ki te whanake i te tōkeke o te hauora me te oranga i Aotearoa. Tēnā rā koutou i ā koutou mahi, waihoki ki ngā ringa raupā me ngā hapori i tā koutou tautoko mai.
Whether it happens to you or to someone you love, health hurdles can have a major impact on your life and the people around you. At MAS, we know you put your trust in us to prepare for the darkest days you hope will never arrive, and that’s something we will never take lightly.
In this issue, we catch up with psychologist, TV presenter and MAS Member Nigel Latta, who is currently confronting that reality head-on as he deals with a devastating cancer diagnosis. Read more on Nigel, his new path ahead and why he’s now one of insurance’s biggest advocates.
But we’re not just about lending a hand when things don’t go to plan. We know that prevention is as important as cure when it comes to keeping well, so we’ve brought back our popular health screening offer for eligible Members. On a personal note, I undertook the screening last year and after further checks, discovered that I’m classed as ‘high risk’ for breast cancer and need regular checks going forward. Learn more about this valuable preventive benefit.
Lastly, keep an eye out for our latest brand campaign with a focus on what keeps Kiwis awake at night. The campaign highlights the ways we help our Members sleep easy, knowing their financial future is secure with MAS. And, if sleepless nights are a problem for you, we’ve also got some tips from MAS Member sleep experts on how to get a more restful slumber.
Again, we want you to know we’re always here for you. If you would like to contact us about your insurance needs, we’re available on 0800 800 627. And if you’ve got feedback on this issue or have a story idea to share, we welcome that too, so get in touch at onmas@mas.co.nz.
Rachael Macdonald
Chief Life Insurance Officer

News in brief
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Making a difference, now and in the future
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