In this issue

From MAS

As we begin to emerge from wintry weather, many of us are thinking of ways to boost the soul – and you’ll find wellbeing is a bit of a theme throughout this issue.

You’ll enjoy meeting our cover star Ray Lenaghan. He’s a Wellington-based MAS Member, veterinarian and all-round good sort who spoke with us openly about his journey to mental wellness and the broader issues of stress and burnout in the veterinary profession.

We chat with MAS Members from a range of backgrounds about the creative hobbies that motivate and inspire them, and we catch up with Tom Tamaira, a young tech entrepreneur and MAS Here for Good Scholarship winner, who is making a difference for rangatahi while designing the career of his dreams.

We’ve recently launched new MAS products to further support your financial wellbeing. Phil Belcher, MAS Head of Product (Life), discusses how MAS Business Life Plan can protect business owners against the impact of losing a shareholder or key person. Jules Riley, Head of Growth (Investments), discusses diversifying your investments away from your family home.

You can also read about the latest happenings at MAS in our News section, which includes a mention of the MAS Movie Night on Thursday 20 June. It was great to see many of our Members enjoy a fun night with friends and whānau at a screening of Despicable Me 4 at cinemas across the country.

We’re proud of the wide range of wonderful Members and Member stories that have brought this issue to life, and as usual, we would love to hear from you! We welcome your feedback, story ideas and anything else you wish to share with us, so get in touch at

  • Matt Harvey portrait

    Matt Harvey

    Chief Distribution and Marketing Officer

Mac Mckay playing his guitar in a studio

News and events

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Meet the team

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A part of me

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Riding life’s ups and downs with MAS

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Lots of houses on a hill

Succession challenges

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The house doesn’t always win

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Ray Lenaghan vet peering into horse mouth

The healing strength of whānau

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Strong enough to care

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A new way of seeing

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Blending tradition, tikanga and tech

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Imposter syndrome: how to dial down your inner critic

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Lawyer in the house

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Gaudi architecture in Barcelona

A whistlestop whirl around Europe

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Hola Español!

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In Review

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